Example of Curlent research
Stock Selection Example
Stock Selection is the research that get your context for what stocks context you want to find from each Stock Exchange then Curlent will go to research and give them for you and ranked by scores.

Stock Research Example
Stock Research is individual stock in-depth company research, Curlent will receive context for waht you want to know and your investment preferences. After that, Curlent will do research for many aspects of company in-depth such as Industry Analysis, Financial Analysis, Stock Performance, Future Outlook, Valuation, and etc. You can also chat with Curlent AI to ask what you want to know use report as a context.

How it works
You set investment preferences
click investment preferences in investment information section on sidebar

You create report
for what topic you want to know: stock research or stock selection

Curlent AI analyze data from reliable data sources
then write report for you, after report completed Curlent will send email to inform you

You can see report information and chat with Curlent AI
see report results and ask for what you want to know based on report

Discover new experience to get stock insight from in-depth company research
Why Curlent
Save Time
No need to spend your time to research and analyze data
Save Cost
From spend on hiring Investment analyst for analyze what you want to know
On demand
Ask AI assistant anytime you want to get insight
AI Assistant provide steps and reason of its data analytics result